PURE ENERGY ~ LOVE POWER Spiritual Counseling & Sensual Education
Nancy Grace Rosen, M.C. and M.Ed. Port Townsend, Washington
Visit California, Arizona and Maine seasonally
Conscious Breath + Relaxation = Experience of True Peace Love Energy = Pulsating Power
Pure Energy Integration: Breath ~ Creativity ~ Energy Explorations in Consciousness Sensorial Education ~ Spiritual Counseling Tantric Consults ~ Tune Ins and Tune Ups Transformational Coaching for Individuals, Couples, Families and Groups
Intention of Pure Energy Practice:
To experience the power of breath and deep relaxation to embody our divine essence with our physical body and to live from this profound integration of body and divine life essence or soul.
To encourage people to trust the innate intelligence or wisdom of the body to heal itself and return to wholeness.
To empower and uplift others to experience and realize our true source of guidance, love and wisdom, through deep relaxation and creative, spontaneous expression of our inner connection and flow with Divine Life Force Energy.
To have an inner experience that our life force energy or aliveness is our sensual energy or libido & vitality and that our sensual energy is our spiritual energy when the repression of energy in the errogenous zones is allowed to expand and relax into our entire physical, emotional, mental, soul and spritual bodies.
Benefits and Results of Breath & Energetic Practices: *A free, light and naturally uplifting attitude
*Renewed Creative inner flow
*Natural capacity to be in the moment
*Broader perspective on the events and the relationships you experience in your life, a wider view of all life's happenings
*Relaxation tools and experiences to strengthen your coping skills to maintain a state of being centered, grounded and present.
*To live an authentic life that allows being vulnerable enough to accept and embrace our shadows to realize our gifts
*Inwardly based and unshakably established confidence in your spiritual and sensual nature
You may be interested in expanding your breathing capacity, increasing energy in your own body, or how to manage and harness too much energy, or perhaps how to generate more aliveness and enjoyable connections with the people in your life, both personally and professionally. What do I mean by energy? Energy is aliveness of the body, expanded life force energy flow throughout your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
By energy, I mean vitality and resilience; stamina during stressful times. Energyis a substance of real inner power of the body that fuels all levels of our human body. This inner energy is related to the cerebral spinal fluid that is stored at the base of your spine. Yogis call this the kundalini shakti (subtle yin energy flow.)
Yogic practices of breath, sound and slow undulating movements relax the physical body, allowing it to begin to fully manifest an increased flow. Many people think they can receive more energy by using artificial stimulants. Seeking increased energy outside our own bodies can be exhausting. Deep fatigue continues to build in our bodies when we continue to increase activity and decrease our relaxation time. When we begin to value being as much as doing, an inner awareness begins to expand as we notice subtle energy flowing through to help us unwind this deep pattern of staying active and busy all the time. The natural energy within our bodies can be enhanced and fueled with daily conscious effort. This energy has many names: qi, chi, prana, life force energy, shakti, and kundalini shakti.
Fully breathing feeds and fuels energy in the physical body…and it feels good to breathe freely and fully! The exercises and practices I offer can assist you easily and quickly.
You will receive personally designed tools to use every day as you become aware of what is truly relaxing and nourishing to you, and you will become increasingly aware of what activities are energy-depleting to your overall well-being. I look forward to hearing from you with your contact information and best time to reach you. Love and Peace,